> I have a question: given a trac ticket number, is there a way of recover the 
> "Merge In" field of the ticket with the command line? I'd like to 
> automatically add this info to the list.

For that purpose, the git trac command line tool is very helpful
$ git trac find 1aeab526b544f3559028767fb8e79e3a4690b476
Commit has been merged in Updated SageMath version to 8.6.beta0.
commit 68e69a31793d44e5a537ee23ff36fbb304fd3cb1
Merge: b17d624e3e 714417176c
Author: Release Manager <rele...@sagemath.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 23 00:56:30 2018 +0100

    Trac #26846: py3: fix sparse graph isomorphism

    URL: https://trac.sagemath.org/26846
    Reported by: chapoton
    Ticket author(s): Frédéric Chapoton
    Reviewer(s): David Coudert


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