It appears my info was all correct already. I removed my info from the
trac landing page.
I notice there is some confusion in what the label "work" means. Some
people put their position rather than their institution. I don't think
that's a big deal but if that's you :) you can fix that too.
From the top of contributors.xml
+ name
- location = something which returns the correct location when entered
- work = university, institute, ...
Sometimes "location" and "work" are the same and that's OK.
On 13/09/22 00:12, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
Dear Sage developers (current and past):
The SageMath developer map
<>) needs your updated
In particular, motivated by the proposed migration from Trac to GitHub
Issues/PRs (, we will need your
GitHub account name by September 26.
(If you don't have a GitHub account yet, now is a great time to open one.)
The source code of the Sage website is maintained in the GitHub
repository; to add yourself or to
update your information shown in the development map, edit the file
<> and
send a pull request (PR).
- For your GitHub user name, use the "github" attribute.
- For your (legacy) Trac user name, use the "trac" attribute. If you
already use a GitHub login for Trac, i.e., your Trac user name starts
with "gh-", there is no need to add the "trac" attribute.
- If you have a account, you can also add that if you want,
using the "gitlab" attribute.
You can do all of this editing directly on GitHub by clicking the "Edit"
button; or, if you prefer, you can fork the repository, clone it to your
computer, edit it there, commit the change, push it to your fork, and
send a PR.
We would also like to consolidate the Sage developer map information
with the information currently at; if your name
appears on this Trac page, please help us by doing the following:
- review the information there, move it to the contributors.xml file,
and then delete it from the Trac page.
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