Hi Doris,
   What would their images be in this monoid? Their capital letter versions 
are not generators of the monoid. If you would like to work in a different 
(free) monoid, then you would need to implement it (not necessarily within 
Sage). If you just want to extend the encoding, say have ß -> SS and ü -> 
U, then you are probably best writing your own encoding function to handle 
these additional cases.


On Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 3:28:52 PM UTC+9 dantetante wrote:

> Hi list,
> this
> A=AlphabeticStrings()
> s='hellowörld'
> A.encoding(s)
> is throwing an error. Is there any possibility of enlarging the alphabet 
> set by some chosen characters like german ü, ä, ö, ß?
> I understand that it makes no sense to enlarge to the whole ASCII 
> character set in *this* case, but I really would appreciate to have german 
> umlauts.
> Thanks in advance ...
> Doris

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