Hi all,

When I tried to enter sage by my new computer, MacBook-Air, the following 
is displayed.

Last login: Thu Mar 17 13:58:38 on ttys007

/Users/k.hayase/Downloads/SageMath/local/bin/sage ; exit;

k.hayase@MacBook-Air ~ % /Users/k.hayase/Downloads/SageMath/local/bin/sage 
; exit;

Error: You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or run this

script from the SAGE_ROOT or SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory.

Error setting environment variables by sourcing 

possibly contact sage-devel (see http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel).

Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...


[プロセスが完了しました] (The process is completed.) 

Here, all the data are transported to the new computer from the old one, 
and in the old one, of course, I could enter and execute sage. 

How can I enter and execute sage?


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