After looking a bit at gsl’s doc I don’t think there is any advantage to using 
them if we are not using the error handling and reporting of gsl (by that I 
mean error estimates on the results). The only interesting detail is, quoting, 
“consistency across platforms”. If we are not doing high precision, I don’t 
think we should care too much on the kind of differences we should expect from 
C libraries across platforms.

> On 13/10/2021, at 09:45, Matthias Koeppe <> wrote:
> Elements of RealDoubleField (RDF) have some methods that are implemented 
> using GSL.
> Would we be able to eliminate this dependency? Some of the functions, like 
> isnan, are available in the standard C library since C99. Do functions like 
> gsl_sf_sin have advantages over using functions from the math library? 
> Others, for example gsl_sf_erf, would be available through scipy.special.

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