Python pickles aren't really a good long-term storage format; A much safer 
bet would be to serialize/deserialize to json, say.  I don't know how 
feasible that woud be in your case though.

On Friday, April 30, 2021 at 10:18:01 AM UTC+2 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

> Hi all,
> The ticket  
> adds algebraic geometry error correcting codes (also called geometric 
> Goppa codes) and their decoders to Sage. Once merged, this will be another 
> edge where Sage is superior to Magma.
> Travis and I are working on the ticket, and we encountered an issue on 
> doctesting the code. It takes a "long" time (about 4 seconds) to construct 
> a decoder (a smallest nontrivial example). Thus it takes much time for 
> doctesting all code (about 60 doctests) as each doctest has to construct a 
> decoder before testing a method. So to save time, we decided to save the 
> decoder as an sobj object, and to load the object before each test. There 
> are 8 saved objects in .../coding/tests subdirectory for this purpose.
> Now we worry if there is a security breach in this way of doctesting. We 
> did not find other example doing the same in the Sage lib. What do you 
> think? If there is a real threat in security, then we would revert to the 
> established way of adding "# long time" to the doctests. Thank you for 
> attention.

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