I am looking at moving to the modular setup for sage-on-gentoo during the 9.4 
I am already experimenting and feeling stuff out.
I have already expressed concerns once about building documentation. 
I now have some idea on how to build the documentation in sage-on-gentoo. But 
the doc 
folder is not distributed in sage math-standard. Could we have at least a 
tarball for 
the doc sources currently sitting under “src/doc”? 


> On 15/03/2021, at 13:44, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A quick overview of the status of the modularization effort of Meta-ticket 
> #29705 in Sage 9.3.beta9.
> A source tarball of the Sage distribution (or a worktree of the Sage git 
> repository after running the ./bootstrap script) contains several 
> self-contained source trees of Python distribution packages in 
> build/pkgs/*/src/, which can be packaged, built and installed by standard 
> Python procedures:
>       • setup.py sdist builds a source distribution (it is invoked by the 
> convenience script build/pkgs/*/spkg-src), which can afterwards be installed 
> using pip.
>       • setup.py install installs the package directly (this is legacy use of 
> setuptools and is not recommended).
>       • setup.py bdist_wheel builds a wheel, which can afterwards be 
> installed using pip.
>       • Note, however, that pip install . does not work. In order to keep the 
> monolithic structure of the SAGE_ROOT/src tree unchanged (for the convenience 
> of Sage developers), the source trees of the Python distribution packages 
> make use of symlinks. These symlinks are not compatible with pip install .. 
> However, setup.py sdist follows the symlinks - the resulting source 
> distribution contains ordinary files only and is therefore pip-installable.
> The following Python distribution packages exist in Sage 9.3:
>       • The Sage library is built from build/pkgs/sagelib/src. Since 
> 9.3.beta8, the resulting source distribution sagemath-standard is available 
> on PyPI.
>       • build/pkgs/sage_docbuild/src contains a distribution that provides 
> the Python package sage_docbuild, moved from sage_setup.docbuild in #30476. 
> Since 9.3.beta9, the resulting source distribution sage-docbuild is available 
> on PyPI.
>       • build/pkgs/sage_sws2rst/src contains the source of 
> https://pypi.org/project/sage-sws2rst/
>       • build/pkgs/sage_conf/src (after running the top-level configure 
> script) contains the source of the Sage configuration package, which provides:
>               • a single Python module, sage_conf, providing configuration 
> information to the SageMath library at the time of its installation and at 
> its runtime
>               • a console script sage-config, for querying the variables of 
> sage_conf from the shell
>               • the sourcable shell script sage-env-config, providing 
> additional configuration information in the form of environment variables.
> I hope that we can still merge the following tickets in Sage 9.3, which are 
> waiting for review:
>       • #30913: Generate pyproject.toml and setup.cfg [install_requires], 
> requirements.txt, Pipfile, and src/Pipfile
>       • #29039: pip-installable version of package sage_conf - installs 
> non-Python bits of the Sage distribution in ~/.sage/
>       • #30383: Add configure --disable-notebook; show descriptions of 
> optional packages in configure --help
> (see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29705 for more details)
> -- 
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