Hello everyone:

I am trying to update from 9.1 to 9.2 and I think I broke my sage in the
process. I have a copy of sage-9.1 built from source and tried to update as

[knsam@locmach sage-9.1]$ ./sage -upgrade
must source sage-env-config before sage-env
Error setting environment variables by sourcing
possibly contact sage-devel (see http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel).

On googling, this seems to have been reported earlier but I don't know how
to fix it now. I would appreciate it if you can point me in the right

I'd also appreciate some hand-holding as to good practices for updating my
local copy of sage... Thank you!


*Kannappan Sampath*
*Graduate Student*

Department of Mathematics | University of Michigan

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