Speeding up by a factor of 4500 in a common use case sounds like a good 
idea. Please open a ticket. (Or do you want me to do it?)

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 11:05:58 PM UTC-7 a.simpl...@gmail.com 

> I am running Sagemath 9.1 on macOS 10.15.17
> but I think this issue is more about math.
> Consider the following code
> G = GL(2^8, GF(2^8))
> A = G.random_element()
> B = Matrix(A)
> %time B.is_invertible()
> C = Matrix(A)
> %time C.nrows() == C.ncols() == C.rank()
> The first timer returns 9s while the second timer returns 2ms.
> I believe that this is because
>    - is_invertible() computes charpoly and read off the det.
>    This is a detour when the base ring is a field.
>    - rank() uses m4rie, which uses asymptotically fast algorithm for rref.
> Perhaps we can add one more if-brach in is_invertible() that exploits 
> fast rref?

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