Normally, if you just change Python code in the library, it suffices to run

./sage -br

to update the Python code and re-launch Sage.
A longer rebuild is

make build

(only if you changed socs, and want to test that they still work,
you'd need to run
make, or make doc-html)


On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 1:56 PM Siddharth Bhat <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to make the error messages in src/sage/combinat/ a 
> little more verbose. I'm finding that the change-compile-test cycle is quite 
> slow.
> Even with a `make -j` (which should use all cores available, and I have 8, it 
> takes quite a long time to build.
> It seems that most of the time is spent on [dochtml]. Is this normal? Since 
> I'm changing a very specific file, is it possible to get
> SAGE to build a little faster? For example, some of the output from the make 
> is:
> [dochtml] Building hu/a_tour_of_sage.
> [dochtml]
> [dochtml] [tutorial ] Merging environment/index files...
> [dochtml] [tutorial ] ... done (0 todos, 11 index, 7 citations, 0 modules)
> [dochtml] [tutorial ] no targets are out of date.
> [dochtml] [tutorial ] The HTML pages are in 
> ../../.local/share/doc/sage/html/es/tutorial.
> [dochtml] Build finished. The built documents can be found in 
> /home/bollu/.local/share/doc/sage/html/es/tutorial
> [dochtml] [a_tour_of] Merging environment/index files...
> [dochtml] [a_tour_of] ... done (0 todos, 1 index, 0 citations, 0 modules)
> [dochtml] [a_tour_of] no targets are out of date.
> [dochtml] [a_tour_of] The HTML pages are in 
> ../../.local/share/doc/sage/html/hu/a_tour_of_sage.
> [dochtml] Build finished. The built documents can be found in 
> /home/bollu/.local/share/doc/sage/html/hu/a_tour_of_sage
> [dochtml] Elapsed time: 97.7 seconds.
> I was hoping there was some way to ask SAGE to not try to rebuild things like 
> "a tour of SAGE" which has not been edited at all, since I've only edited
> src/sage/combinat/  I'm a complete newbie to the SAGE development 
> process, so I'd really appreciate some help!
> If this can't be made faster, are there other tips to make the development 
> process a little faster? It currently takes:
> real 1m55.887s
> user 2m41.891s
> sys 0m19.352s
> for a single change to be built :)
> Thanks a lot,
> ~Siddharth
> --
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