> On 7/12/2020, at 10:25 PM, Antonio Rojas <nqn7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> El lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020 a las 6:11:31 UTC+1, Matthias Koeppe 
> escribió:
> In https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/30315 I propose to make jmol optional. To 
> my understanding it has been replaced by generally better options such as 
> threejs and jsmol. But it's possible that I'm missing something.
> The Javascript version of it, previously installed as part of jmol, is 
> switched on this ticket to come from the pip-installable package 
> jupyter-jsmol.
> Is there any reason for not making jsmol optional too? Isn't three.js the 
> default renderer these days?

three.js still cannot be used to build the doc as far as understand.

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