On 8/18/20 5:03 PM, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
> Try again after "./bootstrap" (this needs autotools installed)

Thanks, now it checks, but since pari misses some parts, it doesn't detect giac either.

## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG giac... ##
## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
configure:20077: checking whether any of pari is installed as or will be installed as SPKG
configure:20081: result: yes; install giac as well
configure:20296: no suitable system package found for SPKG giac

## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
## Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG pari... ##
## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
configure:17312: checking whether any of gmp mpir readline is installed as or will be installed as SPKG
configure:17321: result: no
configure:17326: checking for gp
configure:17344: found /bin/gp
configure:17356: result: /bin/gp
configure:17370: checking for gphelp
configure:17388: found /bin/gphelp
configure:17400: result: /bin/gphelp
configure:17417: checking whether gphelp has access to the documentation
configure:17420: result: yes
configure:17432: checking is pari_elldata installed?
  ***   at top-level: r=ellinit("11a1");r[11]
  ***                   ^---------------------
  *** ellinit: error opening elldata file: `/usr/share/pari/elldata/ell0'.
configure:17439: result: no; cannot use system pari/GP without elldata package
configure:17441: Install elldata package and reconfigure.
configure:17443: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
configure:17447: checking is pari_galdata installed?
  ***   at top-level: polgalois(x^8-2)[1]
  ***                 ^-------------------
*** polgalois: error opening galois file: `/usr/share/pari/galdata/COS8_50_47'. configure:17454: result: no; cannot use system pari/GP without galdata package
configure:17456: Install galdata package and reconfigure.
configure:17458: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
configure:17462: checking is pari_galpol installed?
  ***   at top-level: galoisgetname(12,1)=="C3 : C4"
  ***                 ^------------------------------
*** galoisgetname: error opening galpol file: `/usr/share/pari/galpol/12/nb'. configure:17469: result: no; cannot use system pari/GP without galpol package
configure:17471: Install galpol package and reconfigure.
configure:17473: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
configure:17477: checking is pari_seadata installed?
  ***   at top-level: poldegree(ellmodulareqn(211)[1])
  ***                           ^----------------------
*** ellmodulareqn: error opening seadata file: `/usr/share/pari/seadata/sea211'. configure:17484: result: no; cannot use system pari/GP without seadata package
configure:17486: Install seadata package and reconfigure.
configure:17488: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
configure:17492: checking whether hyperellcharpoly bug is fixed
configure:17497: result: yes
configure:17508: checking whether bnfisunit bug of pari 2.11.3 is fixed
configure:17513: result: yes
configure:17750: no suitable system package found for SPKG pari

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