On Feb 9, 2008 4:23 PM, Simon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Sage team,
> in the thread
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/6c0b377a37ee32ec/a2e56d5696b8198e?hl=en#a2e56d5696b8198e
> i was asking if there is a tensor product for homomorphisms between
> free modules over polynomial rings.
> There isn't, and William suggested to implement it myself and send a
> patch to him resp. to here. Well, it isn't a patch, but at least it
> isn't long...
> I guess the change concerns the class FreeModuleMorphism, and one just
> has to
> add a method, say, "otimes". The tensor product can be easily formed
> using block_matrix:
> {{{
> def otimes(self,g):
>     "f.otimes(g): return the tensor product of two free module
> morphisms"
>     # or find a better doc string
>     if not isinstance(g,
> sage.modules.free_module_morphism.FreeModuleMorphism):
>         raise NotImplementedError, "second argument must be a free
> module morphism"
>     if not (self.base_ring()==g.base_ring()):
>         raise ArithmeticError, "base rings must coincide"
>     Dom =
> self.base_ring()**(self.domain().dimension()*g.domain().dimension())
>     Cod =
> self.base_ring()**(self.codomain().dimension()*g.codomain().dimension())
>     M = sage.matrix.constructor.block_matrix([x*g.matrix() for x in
> self.matrix().list()],self.matrix().nrows(),self.matrix().ncols())
>     return
> sage.modules.free_module_morphism.FreeModuleMorphism(Dom.Hom(Cod),M)
> }}}
> Disadvantages:
> - This only works for homomorphisms between free modules, since domain
> and codomain of the output are free by construction (i don't know how
> to form the tensor product of non-free modules).
> - Domain and codomain of the output are just free modules. They
> provide no information about how they and their bases (important for
> computations!) are related with the (co)domains of the two input
> homomorphisms.

(1) I think an analogue of the method "otimes" that you propose above
should definitely
be a method of matrices called "tensor_product" and it should be in
the file matrix/matrix2.pyx.  Then the above method should *maybe*
be defined and be called say "_tensor_product" (note the underscore).

(2) Then we need to create a genuine TensorProduct class, etc., etc.,
That class will call _tensor_product, perhaps.

Maybe you could submit a patch that does (1)?

 -- william

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