> On Jul 31, 2020, at 10:27, Neil Penning <neil@penning.email> wrote:
> Hello, I'm new to sagemath, and I stumbled upon a bug and I don't know where 
> else to report it.
> The preparser seems to have no problem with "cd test123" but has a problem 
> with "cd test-123" (see screenshot)

Ha!  I don’t know if that has ever been noticed before.  Good catch!

FWIW, there’s a “magic” version that avoids this issue: “%cd”, viz:

> sage: cd /tmp/this-1/
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/this-Integer(1)/'
> /private/tmp
> sage: %cd /tmp/this-1/
> /private/tmp/this-1

Given the workaround, I don’t know that it’s worth a trac report, but if you 
think so, make one.



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