On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 12:01 PM Jaap Spies <jaapsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In a previous post I wrote:
> \begin quote
> Saying Raspberry Pi is saying education. There are zillion Raspberry Pi's out 
> there.
> Almost all of them are running Raspbian, now called Raspberry Pi OS.
> On every raspbian system there is an implementation of Mathematica.
> Wolfram was clever when he decided to make Matematica available to the
> people of Raspberries.
> I did some experimentation out of an old book Mathematica Second Edition.
> You can really do some math on a Raspberry Pi 4.
> [snipped]
> I think it is of major importance to have at least a binary for Raspberry Pi 
> OS!
> I'm old and have no time and no energy to pursue this to the end, but I plea
> someone would take this serious.
> Jaap
> early adapter of sage
> \end quote
> I wanted to start a discussion on the need to be present on the Raspberry Pi 
> platform.
> But my intentions were buried under a lot of technicalities.
> SAGE was intended to by an opensource alternative for the big M's, among them 
> Mathematica.
> What we see on the rasbian distribution:
> du:
> 32000 Wolfram/WolframEngine/12.0/AddOns/Applications
> 36244 Wolfram/WolframEngine/12.0/AddOns
> 1097480 Wolfram/WolframEngine/12.0
> 1097484 Wolfram/WolframEngine
> 1101392 Wolfram/
> root@rasp4g:/opt#
> You see Wolfram was very clever in getting Mathematica in raspbian: 1.1 GB of 
> disk space
> We will never get that space in the official distro, but I plea to make 
> Sagemath
> more available and known on the Raspberry Pi platform.
> There are a lot of computer labs in schools and colleges all running rasbian.
> And users easily link Math and Mathematics to Mathematica.
> Try Google Search: math Raspberry Pi of raspberry math
> and you will be overwhelmed by Wolfram's Mathematica
> Do a Google Search: raspberry pi sagemath
> and you see some pages from the year 2013 and a page of my website.
> The only thing we can do is to try getting Sagemath more visible.
> In documentation, on the website and make a binary available.

I'm getting the latest Rasberry Pi with 8GB of RAM, we'll see how far
it will do.

> (William are you here?)
> Jaap Spies
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