On Jan 22, 2008, at 19:17 , mabshoff wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> On Jan 23, 3:55 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Jan 22, 2008, at 6:15 PM, mabshoff wrote:

>> What are the problems that using "-arch" causes?  I believe that the
>> endian macros and other related mechanisms will work correctly, as
>> long as you have the correct pieces installed.
>> I have not tried to build "fat" on anything particularly complex, but
>> in principle, this will work because Apple has done it for all of
>> their software (except maybe the kernel; it is delivered 'fat', but I
>> don't know that it is built this way or the way you suggest below).
> I am fairly certain they build universal with -arch flags. The lipo
> approach seems like a rather low-tech workaround for Apple to use it,
> especially since the while -arch flag business comes from Apple
> themselves and isn't even in the main gcc 4.2 yet.

If I understand this correctly, the use of 'lipo' and the 'arch' flag  
are orthogonal.  The 'arch' flag tells the driver "gcc" which pieces  
to invoke (the details are actually a bit more complicated).  For  
example, "-arch ppc -arch i386" will run the compiler twice and  
produce an "a.out" (or ".o" or ".dylib") with both architectures  
represented.  I haven't checked the source to see whether this is  
done essentially by re-implementing the 'lipo' functionality, or by  
invoking 'lipo' directly.

>>> What can be done is the following: Build x86 and ppc  
>>> independently on
>>> native systems. Then use lipo to combine all libraries and  
>>> executables
>>> into universal binaries.
>> This will certainly work.  The only difference between this approach
>> and doing it on one system is that you have have the right SDKs
>> installed, and you have to modify the build procedure to build
>> "cross".  This involves, in essence, the judicious use of "isysroot"
>> and "libsysroot' flags in the build flags.
>> It may be simpler to build separately and lipo everything, even if
>> it's done on one system.
>> Xcode documentation has a pretty good description of the process.
> Got any pointers? Too lazy to dig around ;)

You have two (or maybe more :-}) choices: Run Xcode and search the  
documentation for 'cross-development'; or go to the Apple Developer  
website (<http://developer.apple.com>) and search for 'cross- 
development'.  You get more or less the same information, I think  
(depending on what Xcode and doc versions you have installed).

>>   - are there build differences between Mac OS X on Intel
>>     and on PowerPC (as encoded in spkg-install scripts)?
> As far as I can think of not. I am currently modifying spkgs to build
> 64 bit build of Sage on OSX and the normal fix is to pass proper [C|
> CXX|CPP|LD]FLAGS, so passing -arch x86 x86-64 ppc ppc64 might be an
> option. Note that I tried that with python 2.5.1. and it doesn't work
> there and while there are various workarounds posted to get this to
> work they all fail. But Apple ships a universal python, so we might
> either default to use that on OSX or somebody needs to go off and
> figure out what they did. In case anybody does: the posix-element.c
> workaround we use in our python spkg breaks on 64 bit OSX on 10.5, but
> the fix isn't too hard. Other issues include disutils for Python, i.e.
> numpy fails to build currently because it seems to miss #ifdefs in a
> crucial point.

Something I don't know is the extent of 64-bit PowerPC support in  
10.4.  Also, building 'universal' (as opposed to separate builds +  
lipo) is a bit tricky when you want to build universals that support  
say 10.4 *and* 10.5.  For us it may not be that big a deal, since we  
in general will build most of the needed libraries ourselves, and  
there isn't a big change in Unixy APIs.  The GUI apps have a bigger  
problem, but that doesn't affect us (ignoring "Cocoa Sage").

>>   - can the 'autoconf' scheme work in the cross-development
>>     environment provided by Xcode?
> I don't know if that is relevant since we don't use it and you can
> make Xcode execute some custom build script. Am I misunderstanding you
> somehow?

Possibly :-}  I meant that I don't know whether 'configure' scripts,  
or the 'autoconf' "script builder" can be made to do cross  
development, and in particular, be made to detect "i386-apple-darwin"  
when running on "powerpc-apple-darwin".

> But in the end it boils down to this: Do people want universal
> binaries, considering the size tradoff? I do think so, but I hope this
> isn't like the live-CD where everybody says that it is a good idea but
> when push comes to shove few people step up and use it.

This is a very good point: it would be useful to know the percentage  
of a full "bdist" (say) of sage taken up by "executable  
bits" ("a.out"s, ".a"s, and ".dylib"s).

As a SWAG:
   sage 2.10 "bdist": 992284 1k-blocks
   sage 2.10 "executable bits": 381944 1k-blocks
and I do mean "SWAG".  The latter number is the number of blocks in  
use in the "local/bin" and "local/lib" directories, excludin "local/ 
lib/python" and "local/lib/R", adding back in those numbers for the  
executable bits I found in "local/lib/R" (but nothing added in from  


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
"Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals.
  Well, except the weasel."
       - Homer J Simpson

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