On Dec 15, 2007 7:19 AM, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm, this is interesting.  Singular may be frightening for factoring with some
> big bad examples, but it seems we've got some work to do for the small cases.
> sage: R.<y,z>=QQ[] # singular
> sage: r=y^37-1
> sage: timeit r.factor()
> 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.04 ms per loop
> sage: S.<x>=ZZ[] # NTL, but the factoring code converts to pari.
> sage: s=x^37-1
> sage: timeit s.factor()
> 100 loops, best of 3: 5.2 ms per loop
> The moral might be:  conversions are costly (but we already knew that).

Note that NTL does implement factoring in ZZ[] and moreover it does
so asymptotically *very* quickly.  It's only for small degree where I
once noticed pari being faster and made that the default -- and maybe
that had to do with bad turning when building NTL!  So you might
want to consider wrapping ZZ[] factoring via NTL, which I'm sure you
can easily do since you led the charge for rewraping all of NTL!

> I've written a factoring routine which implements the idea which was floated
> by William from the gcdheu algorithm.  A paper of Fateman simply calls it
> Kronecker's trick -- specialize at a large number and factor the resulting
> integer or polynomial of lower degree.  The whole thing hinges around an
> appropriate definition of "large" which I can't find or testing after the
> fact that we chose large enough.
> So far, my mpoly over ZZ factoring code reduces to a univariate and factors
> that.  Profiling indicates that the univariate factoring is a significant
> hunk of my time -- I guess that means my all-python book-keeping is
> respectable.  Oh, and my kroneckers trick algorithm for my special case
> absolutely clobbers singular, but I don't think that is really a great shock.

Nice!  How does it compare to Maple and Magma and Reduce?

 -- William

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