On Dec 14, 2007 12:30 PM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2007 3:14 AM, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I am extremely impressed! It seems to be specifically optimized for
> > rendering molecules, but I'm going to write an exporter for our 3d
> > shapes as meshes and see how well it does.
> There is an amazing amount of mathematics, especially combinatorial
> structures, etc., for which those sorts of things might be quite
> good for us.
Yes, jmol is good, I wrote some parsing of cif crystal formats in
jython into it (3 years ago) and the source code is quite
understandable. But I hate java, that's why I used jython, but jython
was quite slow to load at that time.

Something like jmol is the way to go imho.


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