The Macaulay2 code for factorization just calls the Singular-Factory library
that we link against.  So I don't know why it should be faster than Singular!

> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 07:47:14 -0800
> From: "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         "Mike Stillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [sage-devel] mpolynomial factorization
> On Dec 3, 2007 7:04 AM, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been researching this slow mpolynomial factorization a bit more and
> > haven't come up with any good news.  Hans (from singular) replied to my 
> > forum
> > post at
> >
> > It seems as though singular's random choices of evaluation points needs some
> > tuning.  I can't make a judgement whether it is a good algorithm on the
> > whole.
> >
> > I had a little sage script running on my computer (a respectable but aging
> > pentium 4) for the past 4 days.  I rewrote it to use magma for the
> > factorization (nothing else changed in the script) and ran it on sage.math.
> > I can compute much more on sage.math with help from magma in 2 minutes than 
> > I
> > did in 4 days at home.  All that to say: bah humbug!
> That's a nice illustration of using the Sage interfaces :-)
> > Anyhow, is singular our only option for multivariate factorization?
> NO, there are other options, though none are in Sage standard yet.
> 1. I've heard the cocoa lib 5 can also do this, and perhaps do it
> better, but I don't know.
> I really hope somebody will download it and try it out to see what happens:
> It's a C++ library, so you'll have to write a bunch of code just to
> test it, but there
> might be a lot of examples.
> If Cocoalib and do factorization quickly, it might make for a compelling 
> reason
> to include it in Sage.    Also, Cocoa is small, builds quickly and easily, 
> etc.
> 2. Macaulay2 also factors multivariate polynomials.  It does your test problem
> on sage.math in 1.8 seconds every time, so it is vastly better than Singular 
> at
> that example, but slower than Magma.
> sage: R.<p10,g0,g1,g2,g3,g4,X1,X2> = QQ[]
> sage: macaulay2(R)
> QQ [p10, g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, X1, X2, MonomialOrder => GRevLex,
> MonomialSize => 16]
> sage: t = 
> -p10^170*X1^10*X2^10+p10^130*X1^10*X2^5+p10^130*X1^5*X2^10-p10^90*X1^5*X2^5+p10^80*X1^5*X2^5-p10^40*X1^5-p10^40*X2^5+1;
> sage: time t.factor()   # using singular
> give up after a while -- maybe 30 seconds??
> sage: s = macaulay2(t)
> sage: time h = s.factor()
> CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
> Wall time: 1.81
> sage: h
> new Product from {new Power from {p10^8*X2-1, 1}, new Power from
> {p10^8*X1-1, 1}, new Power from {-p10^18*X1*X2+1, 1}, new Power from
> {p10^32*X2^4+p10^24*X2^3+p10^16*X2^2+p10^8*X2+1, 1}, new Power from
> {p10^32*X1^4+p10^24*X1^3+p10^16*X1^2+p10^8*X1+1, 1}, new Power from
> {p10^72*X1^4*X2^4+p10^54*X1^3*X2^3+p10^36*X1^2*X2^2+p10^18*X1*X2+1,
> 1}}
> 3. Whatever Magma is doing, it's a really kick ass algorithm:
> sage: time h = k.Factorization()
> CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
> Wall time: 0.01
> sage: h
> [
> <p10^8*X2 - 1, 1>,
> <p10^8*X1 - 1, 1>,
> <p10^18*X1*X2 - 1, 1>,
> <p10^32*X2^4 + p10^24*X2^3 + p10^16*X2^2 + p10^8*X2 + 1, 1>,
> <p10^32*X1^4 + p10^24*X1^3 + p10^16*X1^2 + p10^8*X1 + 1, 1>,
> <p10^72*X1^4*X2^4 + p10^54*X1^3*X2^3 + p10^36*X1^2*X2^2 + p10^18*X1*X2 + 1, 1>
> ]
> In case you're interested, Mathematica -- which should likely be very
> fast at this sort
> of thing -- is slower than Macaulay2.
> sage: m = mathematica(t)
> sage: m
> 1 - p10^40*X1^5 - p10^40*X2^5 + p10^80*X1^5*X2^5 - p10^90*X1^5*X2^5 +
>  p10^130*X1^10*X2^5 + p10^130*X1^5*X2^10 - p10^170*X1^10*X2^10
> sage: time h=m.Factor()
> CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
> Wall time: 3.57
> sage: h
> -((-1 + p10^8*X1)*(1 + p10^8*X1 + p10^16*X1^2 + p10^24*X1^3 + p10^32*X1^4)*
>   (-1 + p10^8*X2)*(-1 + p10^18*X1*X2)*(1 + p10^8*X2 + p10^16*X2^2 +
>    p10^24*X2^3 + p10^32*X2^4)*(1 + p10^18*X1*X2 + p10^36*X1^2*X2^2 +
>    p10^54*X1^3*X2^3 + p10^72*X1^4*X2^4))
> sage: m = maple(t)
> sage: t = maple.cputime()
> sage: time h = m.factor()
> CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
> Wall time: 0.10
> sage: print maple.cputime(t)
> 0.0
> sage: h
> -(p10^8*X2-1)*(p10^32*X2^4+p10^24*X2^3+p10^16*X2^2+p10^8*X2+1)*(p10^8*X1-1)*(
> p10^32*X1^4+p10^24*X1^3+p10^16*X1^2+p10^8*X1+1)*(p10^18*X1*X2-1)*(p10^72*X1^4*
> X2^4+p10^54*X1^3*X2^3+p10^36*X1^2*X2^2+p10^18*X1*X2+1)
> SO -- find out what algorithm Maple or Magma is using and that's
> probably the one for us.
> There was a big discussion on sage-devel a few weeks ago about Maple
> being "open source"...
> Of course as I mentioned before Maxima is crap for this calculation:
> sage: m = maxima(t)
> sage: time k = m.factor()
> [wait forever...]
> >  Is there
> > a guru out there that can vouch for or against their algorithm as a whole.
> Definitely I can't, but I've cc'd Dan Grayson and Mike Stillman, and
> they might have
> some comments about what's going on.  Your M2 is vastly slower at that example
> than Magma/Maple, but about the same as Mathematica.  Any ideas why?
> > I've found this article (by Shuhong Gao):
> >
> > which seems fairly recent and factors bivariate polynomials.  The algorithm
> > also uses random evaluation points to get down to a bivariate polynomial (I
> > guess, for all I know, it's the same algorithm as singular uses).
>  -- William

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