On Nov 19, 2007 11:59 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interestingly, this link says "Printing the code in this way does not
> include any of the programmer's comments. If you want a separate copy
> of the library source code, with comments, it is available from the
> distributors for a set price. Some Maple procedures are coded
> completely within the kernel. Their code is not available. If you try
> to print them you see the following type of special procedure body."
> So you have to pay extra for the comments!   Wow.  That's truly bizarre.

Hmm, I am a former Maplesoft employee, and I have never, ever heard of
the source code being available for reading for an extra price.  I am
not inclined to believe this remark.

The fact that comments aren't available in the first place is not
especially surprising: Maple is an interpreted language language like
any other, and comments are the first thing to be stripped out whole
parsing.  Java bytecode doesn't have comments either :).

Furthermore, with regard to the comment by Jason Grout that the use of
the introspection tools was "encouraged by the Maple people in the
above posts.", you should understand that the Maple Primes posts to
which those links refer were made by various Maple enthusiasts
unaffiliated with Maplesoft (albeit on a site run by Maplesoft).  You
shouldn't read anything about Maplesoft's position from them.


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