Assalamo alaykom,

The Doodle poll "New codename for Sabily" is closed with "Sabily
<scientist_name_only>" as the final option.
Sabily management team will communicate the first codename using this rule
for Sabily 12.04 in next few days inshalla :)

2012/1/30 Abdelmonam Kouka <>

> :) no problem we are doing "shura" via voting, we will this poll for one
> week than see what the majority like and we will adopt it inshalla no
> matter it will be short or long...
> 2012/1/30 Shafie bin Darus <>
>> Also no problem brother. as long those code name's meaning can be shared
>> and inspiring us. InsyaAllah.
>> 2012/1/30 Abdelmonam Kouka <>
>>> Brother Meorbu the poll is the best solution ;)
>>> Hereafter a poll for this choice, please participate:
>>> 2012/1/29 jmehdi <>
>>>> +1
>>>> Actually I already explained that a good codename is the one that can
>>>> be illustrated by graphic designers, so this idea is good for me ;)
>>>> Mehdi Magnon
>>>> Administrator of the Sabily Project - Free Islamic Operating System 
>>>> (
>>>> Administrator of Bayt Al Hikma - Islamic resources and Hadiths 
>>>> (
>>>> Le 29/01/2012 00:09, Abdelmonam Kouka a écrit :
>>>> Assalamo alaykom,
>>>> Sorry to respond late ^^'
>>>> When I said to brother Meorbu before that we will discuss the story of
>>>> codename I had an idea in mind, and here I find that one brother propose it
>>>> which is Muslim Inventors. Thank you to him.
>>>> Hereafter I will defend my idea:
>>>> * Muslim Inventor are not related only to Arabic world, they are like
>>>> this community from all over the world
>>>> * Most of people (Muslims and not Muslims) don't know that a lot of
>>>> Muslims Scientists participate in the human scientific revolution,
>>>> especially in the Islamic Golden age:
>>>> so having a codename related to that (+ an article on our website if we
>>>> can about each scientists explaining the codename).
>>>> * We can find easily a theme + wallpapers (for example for Ibn
>>>> Al-Haytham: who is known
>>>> especially with his theories and inventions in ophthalmology we can have a
>>>> theme + wallpapers related to ophthalmology).
>>>> * We have a big list here of them:
>>>> * Related to our work in Sabily: TIC + Islam --> Science + Islam :)
>>>> * We won't need a poll each time to choose the codename, we have a list
>>>> and exactly like in ubuntu: the administrator announce the new codename of
>>>> the next release just when we are working on the actual beta release (of
>>>> course if you agree here with using this codename rule: Muslim Scientists).
>>>> * This idea give the code name a real meaning: for example when we said
>>>> "Sabily Ibn-AlHaytham" it means "My way is Ibn-Alhaytham", which is logical
>>>> because we are trying to be like Ibn AlHaytham: a great Muslim scientist
>>>> that works for Islam and Science :)
>>>> What do you think about this idea and these arguments?
>>>> To your keyboards :)
>>>> Assalamo alaykom
>>>> 2012/1/28 Shafie bin Darus <>
>>>>> Waalaikomsalam.
>>>>> Agree with brother Ahmed, why not just put sahabah's name according to
>>>>> their seniority (especially to all of radhiallahu'anhum ajmain).
>>>>> wallahu'alam.
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Saber OMRI <>wrote:
>>>>>> Good idea indeed !
>>>>>> Le 24 janvier 2012 01:15, meorbu a <> a écrit :
>>>>>>>  Assalamulaikom,
>>>>>>> So quiet in this mailing list...
>>>>>>> What about discussion of new codename of Sabily?..
>>>>>>> Do we need to think about new concept of codename? I mean that I
>>>>>>> proposed before where by we get the codename from inside Ayat of 
>>>>>>> Al-Quran.
>>>>>>> I mean re codename also that we make the codename by standard
>>>>>>> English alphabet letter same like Ubuntu that start from "A".
>>>>>> &
>>>>>>  Wassalam wrt,
>>>>>>> That is a good idea to have codename for Sabily release.
>>>>>>> Maybe we can also go with the name of sahabah or muslim inventors,
>>>>>>> as teenagers or adults like me may not aware of their names. We tend to
>>>>>>> remember the names of musicians, artists, others.
>>>>>>> My 2 cents,
>>>>>>> Mizwan
>>>>>>> I'm thinking too to use standard Arabic alphabet letter, but not
>>>>>>> sure either it will be suitable or not. I mean start from "Alif", "Ba" 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> etc. But I think if will be more better. Maybe we can discuss it here 
>>>>>>> too.
>>>>>>> If to use the alphabet can be decide, there already some suitable
>>>>>>> codename has been in my mind.
>>>>>>> I will suggest it later.
>>>>>>> Using codename from Al-Quran also will make Sabily fans to refer to
>>>>>>> Al-Quran to get it. Maybe they also like to suggest the codename, so 
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> need to get it from Al-Quran. A wonderful reference.
>>>>>>> >From the codename also, we can add some information about it in
>>>>>>> full Ayat. So, we spread the ayat of Al-Quran. InsyaAllah we will get 
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> point from Allah.
>>>>>>> Hopefully we can start from Sabily 12.04 (codename).
>>>>>>> Insya'Allah.
>>>>>>> Come on, let share what is your opinion about it...
>>>>>>> - meorbu
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>>>> عبد المنعم كوكة
>>>> Abdelmonam Kouka
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>>> Abdelmonam Kouka
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