Assalem alaykom,
Thx for your answer.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Abdelmonam Kouka <>

بسم الله الرّحمان الرّحيم

Sabily Team looking for volunteers
team informs you that we need volunteers to handle these tasks,
waiting for your contributions Brothers and sisters...
more details you can join us on Launchpad Mailing List 
Allah khayran...
>       1. Cleaning blueprints and putting them in the todo list page  
>2. Take care more of our page on Wikipedia and its translation
>(Who can handle this task  and the team will guide him ?)
--> it is wikipedia so any one can help directly without coming back to us as a 
team, and for us from time to time we should take a look and correct what need 
to be corrected. 

Anyone can put what he want... Is it really something good ?  There is some 
exact information which should be added first especially for new members.. May 
be we should have 3 or 4 person as a redaction team to care about the blog, the 
wiki, ... ? So, Can I I put it like this ?

2. Redaction Team (for wiki and blog...)

        1. Ideas for Islamic Educational Software for kids (Brainstorming)
--> Very Good! 

a) How do you put a brainstorming ?
b) Do you put it as a discussion as a blue print or as a page in the wiki ? 
c) I couldn't find how to modify the wiki. Access should be with my account LP 
?  It is written contact us to have an account and I contacted sabily admin as 

>       1. A team for spreading Sabily (perhaps)
The idea was developed there is one year but it is not active till now! here 
the trace: 

This is exactly what I am talking about... Good !
But, I didn't like the ad because I think if the member won't do it for Allah, 
we don't need him... Email, FTP storage, access on sabily's blog, Sabily's 
gifts.... Advantages shouldn't be in the beginning !
Besides, what we need is leaders for each team or each idea, persons having the 
leadership  spirit and motivated who can do their best to keep the team growing 
and urge members. The leader can have only this role without doing a real task 
but his role is very important to continue.
You know we will spread the event of the search and we should find these 
leaders, I guess we could find in 4 thousand 4 persons bi idhn Allah.

--------end  event

Waiting for rectifications to spread the event ...

I prefer with each task a link explaining and if possible a person responsible 
for this. I'd love to prepare the guide before inviting any one to avoid 
replication in answering questions... And to get my self updated, I feel A 
little bit lost with your methods and I should cope with me and other new 
members in cha Allah...

The new text event
Sabily team informs you that we need volunteers to handle these tasks, waiting 
for your contributions Brothers and sisters...
(For more details you can join us on Launchpad Mailing List : 
Jazekom Allah khayran !

-Contributing in the Islamic software development // (should We look for 
persons to help brother Assem ch ? Or they should rather be informed old 
members ?) 

- Cleaning blueprints and putting them in the todo list page

-Ideas for Islamic Educational Software for kids (Brainstorming)

-Members to the Sabily Promotion Team

( If possible give me access to the blog, I'll probably modify the ad before 
putting this link )

بسم الله الرّحمان الرّحيم

فريق سبيلي يعلمكم أنّه في حاجة لمتطوّعين يساهمون في تطوير نظام تشغيل 
سبيلي...قائمة الأعمال باللغة الإنجليزية فوق..يمكنكم الإلتحاق بنا على القائمة 
البريديّة لمزيد من الإستفسارات

بارك الله فيكم و نفع الله بكم
Tim Sabily memberitahu Anda bahwa kami membutuhkan sukarelawan untuk 
menangani tugas-tugas ini.
Menunggu Saudara dan saudari kontribusi Anda ...
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