On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 1:19 AM c.buhtz wrote: > 4. `--protect-args` activates the "new" behavior >
Essentially, just in a way that has a couple drawbacks: it would have refused to work with rsyncs older than 3.0.0, and it would have refused to work with a remote rrsync setup (since the "protected" args are sent via the protocol where rrsync can't see them to verify them). 5. `--old-args` and `--protect-args` are the opposite of each other? Yes, protecting the args prevents things like remote space splitting and such. My goals are > 1. Use the "new" arg protection way introduced with 3.2.4 > 2. Scripts/applications using that "new way" should work with old and > new versions of rsync without checking for the rsync version on the > current system. > The easiest way to do that in a script or even in a user's shell-rc files is to export 2 environment variables: export RSYNC_OLD_ARGS=0 export RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS=1 If rsync is 3.2.4 or newer, it will see the newer env var and continue with its new-style arg protection (since the 0 tells it you don't want --old-args to be used). An older rsync will not even notice that variable and will instead ensure that --protect-args is enabled by default, giving it a similar style of arg protection, just one that will complain if a remote rsync is 2.6.9 (which should be pretty much gone these days) or an rrsync restricted shell. These variables don't interfere with manual overrides on the command-line -- they just ensure the default is what you want. Your suggestion of forcing on --seclude-args (aka --protect-args) via -s is also a reasonable way to go in most instances. I'm using `-s` here because `--protect-args` will be renamed to > `--secluded-args` in rsync 3.2.6. > Just because --secluded-args is its new name doesn't mean that rsync stops accepting the older arg name. But -s is always easier to type. ..wayne..
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