I suspect you want a duplicate finder more than a file transfer tool.

EG: https://stromberg.dnsalias.org/~strombrg/equivalence-classes.html

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 5:36 PM hput via rsync <rsync@lists.samba.org> wrote:

> I want to merge 3 slightly different directories of mostly images.
> Not just mostly but the vast majority are images files.
> Each directory has about 285 GB of files.
> At first I thought I would just run a straightish rsync from each directory
> inturn starting with the biggest which is not much bigger ... maybe
> a few MB.
> Like:
> rsync -vvrptgoD --stats /biggest/ /emptydir/
> rsync -vvrptgoD --stats /next-biggest/ /same-dir/
> rsync -vvrptgoD --stats /smallest/     /same-dir
> But after some thought I'm guessing that might be wrong headed way to go.
> All three dir have mostly the same stuff in them and in the same
> places but a close inspection, given the 285 GB would be pretty much a
> non-starter.
> There will be thousands that have matching names maybe newer or older
> bigger etc.  And maybe some of the same stuff but in slightly  different
> places.
> How can I make rsync do the work for me?  So I don't end up loosing files.
> --
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