Hi Chris,

On Tue, Aug 03, 2021 at 11:48:31AM +0100, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> If I used the --super option (in a command like the one above) and
> chris can run rsync as root on the remote end (via options in the
> sudoers file) will this do what I want?  I guess I can go away and try
> it! :-)

You don't need --super if the remote side actually is running as
root (either because you logged in as "root" or you logged in as
"chris" but told it to execute "sudo rsync").

If you're going to use sudo then you'll want to set it NOPASSWD so
it doesn't ask for a sudo password. Possibly restricting that only
to uses of rsync or a specific script, otherwise it is giving
"chris" blanket sudo access without a password.


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