From: Charles via rsync <>
Subject: Re: Utility of --backup
Date: 19/07/2021 14:26:59 Europe/Paris

>IThe --backup option is great for creating "rolling full" backups which 
>look exactly like the backed up tree except for the existence of the 
>backup directory

I am not really understanding the "Rolling Full Backup".  Suppose I have a 

and use `rsync -av --progress --log-file="$logfl" "$source" "$destin"`

And let me do what you suggest.  What is the difference, and is --backup better 
than the other ?

Would the command be

rsync --backup -v --progress --log-file="$logfl" "$source" "$destin"

>Here's how a Linux backup directory tree looks as created by backup 
>utility bung's bu_rsync script

+-- bin -> usr/bin
+-- boot
|   +-- grub
+-- _Changed and deleted files
|   +-- 2021
|   +-- Jul
|   |   +-- 01@17:45
|   |   |   +-- opt
|   |   |   |   +-- tomcat
|   |   |   +-- root
|   |   |   +-- var
|   |   |   +-- backups
|   |   |   +-- cache
|   |   |   +-- lib
|   |   |   +-- local
|   |   |   +-- log
|   |   |   +-- mail
|   |   |   +-- spool
|   |   +-- 17@17:46
|   |   +-- 18@17:45
|   +-- Jun
|   +-- 29@17:45
|   +-- 30@17:45
+-- dev
+-- etc

>A "rolling full" backup is great to restore from for small organisations 
>which do not do enough restores to be well practised because the backup 
>looks exactly like the source except for the additional "_Changed and 
>deleted files" directory.

>Perfect point in time restores are not possible but adequate 
>approximations (point in time but with the possibility of some extra 
>files) can be done by restoring the last backup and then each of the 
>changed and deleted files sets until the latest set after the desired 
>point in time

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