On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 at 17:53, Chris Cowan via rsync
<rsync at lists.samba.org
<https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync>> wrote:
>>*  I’ve also been looking at several solutions that try to sandbox 
>>openssh/rsync.    These include rssh (which should not be used anymore,  
>>because it's Abandon-ware.  But, it is what I am most familiar with), GNU 
>>rush, and daethnir/authprogs on github.    None of these seems to be able to 
>>provide me the control, with rsync, when  –protect-args is used.  Unless I’m 
>>mistaken, the filtering has to be done by the rsync --server --sender process 
>>itself, since it's the only thing that has visibility to the filepath passed 
>>in the ssh channel.
> I like to use rsync in daemon mode over ssh for that type of thing, because:

> * you don't need a shim, just make the ssh forced command "rsync
> --server --daemon --config /path/to/some/rsyncd.conf ."
> * the --daemon turns on extra server side security checks
> * you always have --protect-args when in daemon mode
> * you can sandbox the transfer root and other things with settings in
> the rsyncd.conf

> Example rsync.conf for allowing reading of /var/lib/{foo,bar} but
> writes to only /var/lib/foo :

> use chroot = no
> [foo]
> path = /var/lib/foo
> read only = no
> [bar]
> path = /var/lib/bar
> read only = yes
> On the client side you use the :: syntax to specify a module in an
> rsync daemon along with "-e ssh" to get daemon mode over ssh, for
> example to write to /var/lib/foo/someplace you could:
>  rsync -e ssh [OTHER OPTIONS] /tmp/new-foo-things ${hostname}::foo/someplace

I was aware of similar features with sshd_config for sftp, but never
considered this.   (Never ran rsync in daemon mode, to be honest).  The
other solutions gave me separate control over scp, sftp, svn+ssh, git, etc
Will have to read the docs to see what modules are available.

Chris Cowan
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