You may wish to take a look at LBackup :
Please note as one of the developers I am biased.
On 24/11/2020, at 10:33 AM, CRTS via rsync <> wrote:
Consider following directory structure:
mkdir -p src/empty tgt bkp
when making an initial backup with
rsync -r src/ tgt
then the empty directory in src will be copied to tgt. However, if the
directory is removed from src
rmdir src/empty
and rsync is run like
rsync -r --delete -b --backup-dir=../bkp src/ tgt/
then the empty directory does end up in bkp. I am using the --backup-dir
and the --delete option to move an outdated snapshot to another directory
by backing up an empty directory. I was expecting that the entire
directory structure to be preserved. Apparently this is not the case
for empty directories.
Can this be fixed? Is this even the right place to file a bug report? I
do not have a github account to do this on github.
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