I am using the 'backup to a central backup server with 7 day incremental' example to archive three separate computers to identically configured (apart from name) shares on a Western Digital 'MyBookLive' NAS which has rsync enabled. The backup from two Raspberry Pi Computers operates without a problem but the backup from a Fedora 32 computer fails with an 'unknown module Linux1' error message. The only difference between the code in the .sh module for all three computers is the name of the share(Linux1 for the Fedora Computer) and the home directory.

#~ #!/bin/sh

# This script does personal backups to a rsync backup server. You will end up
# with a 7 day rotating incremental backup. The incrementals will go
# into subdirectories named after the day of the week, and the current
# full backup goes into a directory called "current"
# tri...@linuxcare.com


# directory to backup

# excludes file - this contains a wildcard pattern per line of files to exclude

# the name of the backup machine

export RSYNC_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx


BACKUPDIR=`date +%A`

OPTS="--force --ignore-errors --delete-excluded --exclude-from=/home/joe/Documents/exclude.txt
      --delete --backup --backup-dir=/$BACKUPDIR -a"

export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin

# the following line clears the last weeks incremental directory
[ -d $HOME/emptydir ] || mkdir $HOME/emptydir
rsync --delete -a $HOME/emptydir/ $BSERVER::Linux1/$BACKUPDIR/
rmdir $HOME/emptydir

# now the actual transfer
rsync $OPTS $BDIR $BSERVER::Linux1/current

Can anyone explain why this is happening please?

Joe Curtis

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