Nevermind this message. The issue is a platform utility malfunctioning. Not an 
rsync issue.


Randall S. Becker, Managing Director, Nexbridge Inc.



From: Randall S. Becker <> 
Sent: September 22, 2020 3:30 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: [Test Problem] RSync 3.2.3 - Commit 15bc7ded




I’ve encountered a weird test failure at commit 15bc7ded


PASS    00-hello

rm: cannot remove '... <snip>/testtmp/00-hello': Directory not empty


I have not seen this in prior commits. Any ideas on what I can look?





-- Brief whoami:

NonStop developer since approximately 211288444200000000

UNIX developer since approximately 421664400

-- In my real life, I talk too much.



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