Got it working properly. Many thanks!
Matt Stevens
On 8/3/20 10:28 AM, Paul Slootman via rsync wrote:
On Mon 03 Aug 2020, Matt Stevens via rsync wrote:
So I've gotten excluding paths to work as a standalone command. When I paste
this into a script however, it ignores the exclusions. Any advice?
rsync -aXvr --times --links
/home/path/ user@nas:/NAS/HOME/destination/
Are there supposed to be some kind of brackets around this?
Using these brackets with bash causes the --exclude to be repeated for
each value:
$ echo TEST: --exclude={'*.vdi','*.vmdk','*.ova','*.qcow2','.config/discord/'}
TEST: --exclude=*.vdi --exclude=*.vmdk --exclude=*.ova --exclude=*.qcow2
I suspect you've pasted this into a shell script which does not start
with #!/bin/bash but perhaps #!/bin/sh so that the script is not run by
bash but e.g. ash or dash that don't do the braces expansion.
It's always best (especially in a script) to write it out, don't rely on
the shell for such things.
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