--- Comment #17 from Marc Krämer <> ---
tested release 3.2.2 bug is still present:
$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir x y
$ mkdir -p x/test17/21/ff/zz
$ echo "/test17/21/ff/zz
" > input.txt
$ cd y
$ rsync --no-r -ltpDcuhROHigoz --no-implied-dirs --delete
--files-from=../input.txt /tmp/x/ /tmp/y/ --delete-missing-args --ignore-errors
$ ls
$ rm -rf ../x/test17
$ rsync --no-r -ltpDcuhROHigoz --no-implied-dirs --delete
--files-from=../input.txt /tmp/x/ /tmp/y/ --delete-missing-args --ignore-errors
*deleting   test17/21/ff/
*deleting   test17/21/
*deleting   test17/
WARNING: parent dir is absent in the file list: test17
WARNING: parent dir is absent in the file list: test17/21
WARNING: parent dir is absent in the file list: test17/21/ff
rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24)
at main.c(1287) [sender=3.2.2]

$ ls

so this bug is still not fixed!

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