Wayne Davison <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #7 from Wayne Davison <> ---
I figured out a simple fix that allows the receiver to expand its message buf
size when things clog up and committed that fix to git for 3.2.0.  I still have
a dream of fixing this in a better way in the future, but this will work OK for

I still suggest that you avoid -vvv when possible, but it will at least work
when you do it (assuming you don't overflow memory). In my one local testing,
the msg buffer expanded from 16KB to 512KB (in several steps) and then stayed
steady at that size, even when I increased the number of files copied.

Also, my latest git version of "lsh" (& its bash "" alternative) in the
support dir now accepts a hostname of "lh" for localhost with an implied
--no-cd option so that the "remote" side doesn't default to the user's home
dir. This makes it easier to type a local-copy command that will avoid the
extra msg memory allocations:

    rsync -aivvve lsh lh:src/ dest/

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