Wayne Davison <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED

--- Comment #3 from Wayne Davison <> ---
This is a cool idea, but I hadn't taken the time (before today) to tweak it to
make it work just right. As written it only output status on a pull, not a push
(and thus not for a local copy which uses the push idiom internally). It also
had a bug in the output of the file counts (the to-chk=N/TOTAL values) since we
now need to set the file index values even when --progress isn't enabled (since
a progress output can happen at any time now). I also made it not output the
file name again if rsync is running with -v or -i and a status request comes in
(it now outputs just the status line under the existing filename).  I also
wanted it to be able to work for Linux, so I decided to enable the instant
progress output on SIGVTALRM as well as SIGINFO (since Linux doesn't support
SIGINFO).  Finally, I decided to change the type of status that gets output to
the total-transfer info that is output when using --info=progress2.  This gives
you the total file size processed, percent of finished file sizes vs total file
sizes (for known files), and the average speed of all received data since the
start of the transfer (this is both because the show_progress() calls are not
being made and because I think the total-transfer stats are more useful in this
sporadic display).

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