I don't believe it is possible.  I think the misunderstanding stems from
the fact that the permissions are even stored in the xattr.  They don't
need to be there but they may as well be.  They don't take much space.
The real question would be when rsync reads the file to restore it and
the file perms are different than the ones in the xattr which set does
it use?

On 3/16/20 10:01 AM, Dimitrios Apostolou via rsync wrote:
> Thanks. This is a bit counter-intuitive to me. So how would you tell
> rsync to store the original permissions in the xattr, but do not touch
> the real file mode?
> On Thursday, March 12, 2020 6:26:18 PM CET, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
>> I would expect that the sending rsync would only send the perms provided
>> modified by the --chmod.  I wouldn't expect the receiver to even know
>> the other permissions.
>> On 3/12/20 1:23 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou via rsync wrote:
>>> Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad to see that different people see
>>> the issue
>>> differently. As a followup question, what would you expect this to do:
>>> rsync --perms --chmod g+rX -M--fake-super src dst
>>> I would expect it to store the original permissions in the xattr,
>>> while ...

        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       https://sanitarium.net/
        PGP public key available on web site.

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