Bug ID: 14262
           Summary: add continuous sync mode using inotify/fanotify/etc
           Product: rsync
           Version: 3.1.3
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P5
         Component: core
        QA Contact:

rsync is often run from cron, which means it has to walk entire directory trees
every time it is run, which is inefficient when it is run often.

Most operating systems offer APIs (such as inotify/fanotify on Linux) that
allow programs to be notified of filesystem changes.

To replace rsync in cron jobs, rsync could offer a mode that would register for
filesystem change notifications, do a regular sync and then for each filesystem
change notification, transfer the changes to the remote end (or local end for a
reverse transfer). SIGINT/Ctrl+C or other termination signals could be used to
end the continuous sync.

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