Hello, Rsync 2.6.9 Mac OS interacting with Windows servers.
My Rsync command: rsync -rvz --exclude-from=exclude.txt source destination. I copy large files from server A to server B excluding multiple directories which rsync quickly and beautifully executes. What I end up with at destination is these folders. 01_us_eng... 2_ASSETS 3_web 4_print I manually then move the web/print folders into the 01_us_eng... folder and then I manually delete the assets folder. My humble question to samba.org is this, can I add an rsync command to move folders 3 and 4 into 01... and delete the 2_ASSETS folder so I dont have to manually do this 200 times each day? I have done exhaustive searches without success and i really appreciate your help. Thanks, Freddie
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