(I think the subject is quite descriptive; however for use-cases and details see bellow after the mention of the old conversation and the patch.)
Searching the mailing list about this topic yields an old conversation about this from 2008: * https://lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2008-November/022148.html * https://lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2008-November/022150.html I'll quote Wayne's reply: > That is not currently possible because rsync wants to tell the pre-xfer > process about the options that the client sent (such as what module is > being requested), and that conversation happens after the chroot is all > setup and the protocol data is already flowing. It might be possible to > twiddle this, but it could be less secure, so I don't wish to change it. > > Your best bet is to make the root of the module a local dir and mount a > subdir inside that local directory based on the pre-xfer data. Unfortunately this proposed hack doesn't work (at least not in the latest 3.1.3), because the `chdir` includes the sub-path inside the module. (I.e. there isn't an `chdir(module_path) && execve(prexfer) && chdir(arg_path)` but a single `chdir(module_and_arg_path) && execve(prexfer)`.) Therefore I've tried to patch `rsync` myself, mainly by copy-pasting the code related to `pre-xfer exec` option: * https://github.com/cipriancraciun/rsync/commit/1f85c5f596542ed878d09a60e55ea0279346802b Please note this is the first time I see the `rsync` code-base, and haven't done an indepth analysis. I haven't made any audit regarding the security implications, but given that the patch is pretty small, and most of the code is copy-paste of an existing feature, I would assume it is pretty safe. So, going backwards, I've searched for a feature that would allow one to run a process **before** `rsync` attempts any `chroot`, `chdir`, `setuid`, etc. Unfortunately `pre-xfer exec` executes after all of those... My particular use-case was exposing via `rsync` an OpenAFS volume which requires (AFS) authentication. Without going to in-depth, OpenAFS introduces (in the kernel) a PAG (`Process Authentication Group`) context, which allows the same user (or multiple users) to use various credentials. Therefore each new `rsync` process will start with a new PAG, and before accessing any files, one must call the `klog` tool to authenticate. However as said above, one can`t use `pre-xfer exec` because that executes after `chdir` which fails. For reference: * https://docs.openafs.org/Reference/1/pagsh.html * https://github.com/openafs/openafs/blob/master/src/sys/setpag.c * `k_setpag` -- http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man3/krb_afslog.3.html Other use-cases for such a feature: * as the original poster of the thread from 2008 said, he wanted to mount an encrypted file-system; * one could expose a Git worktree as a `rsync` module and use the "early" hook to make sure no one is using the repository (thus a lock it or wait), then use the `post-xfer` to commit; (granted one could use `pre-xfer` for this, but it opens the possibility of race-conditions when one uses a sub-folder instead of the whole module; i.e. someone just deletes the folder another one tries to copy-in;) * move the parent `rsync` process into a separate Linux mount namespace / control group (before doing anything else); * any other OS-related trick that should happen before `rsync` starts doing anything; Also related to this topic, and back to my OpenAFS use-case, there is an extra requirement (that I've solved differently, via `systemd` `inetd` mode): in order to create the new PAG (else it inherits the PAG of the `root` user), one has to run each `rsync` process "wrapped" by `pagsh`. Therefore an extra "hook" might be `wrapper exec` which implements the following: for each new connection (either in daemon mode or inetd mode), instead of just forking, execute that wrapper and append to it the required arguments, and the wrapper should make the setup, then run the given command and arguments. (I.e. just like `env` does.) Hope this helps, Ciprian. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html