--- Comment #8 from Michael <> --- +1 from me on this. We have several situations where we need to copy a large number of very small files, and I expect that having multiple file transfer threads, allowing say ~5 transfers concurrently, would speed up the process considerably. I expect that this would also make better use of the available network bandwidth as each transfer appears to have an overhead for starting and completing the transfer which makes the effective transfer rate far less than the available network bandwidth. This is the method one of our pieces of backup software uses to speed up backups and is also implemented in FileZilla for file transfers. Consider a very large file that needs to be transferred, along with a number of small files. In a single transfer mode, all other files would need to wait while the large file is transferred. If there are multiple transfers happening concurrently, the smaller files will continue transferring while the large file transfers. I have seen the benefits of this sort of implementation in other software. I can also see benefits in having file transfers begin whilst rsync is comparing files. This could logically work if you consider rsync makes a 'list' of files to be transferred and that it begins transferring files as soon as this list begins to be populated. In situations where there are a large number of files and few of these files changed, the sync could effectively be completed by the time rsync is finished comparing files (given the few changed files may have already been transferred during the file comparison). This also is effectively implemented in FileZilla (consider copying a directory in which FileZilla has to recurse into each directory and add each file to copy into the queue). Interestingly, I assumed this was already an option for rsync, so I went looking to find the necessary option. However, all I found were the previously mentioned hacks, which weren't what I was going for. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: