--- Comment #11 from Rui DeSousa <> ---
(In reply to Dave Gordon from comment #7)

This is the result of hard link on the temp file where the rename failed.

root@hades:~postgres/arch # ls -lh rsync.temp ; du -h rsync.temp 
-rw-------  1 postgres  postgres   1.1M Mar  5 16:02 rsync.temp
329K    rsync.temp

The file system has LZ4 compression; thus the file is actually 19MB on disk.

root@hades:~postgres # ls -lh 000000010000005E00000017 
-rw-------  1 postgres  postgres    64M Mar  5 16:02 000000010000005E00000017
root@hades:~postgres # du -h 000000010000005E00000017 
 19M    000000010000005E00000017

Since it's using compression; I thought /dev/zero would be a bad option to test

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