--- Comment #2 from James Stevenson <> --- I seem to see the same crash. Here is some additional details with symbols. It seems to happen during network timeouts. #0 0x00007fcc2e167b05 in utf8_internal_loop (step=0x560710d73f90, step_data=0x560710d740c0, irreversible=0x7ffccf327d28, outend=0x560710d7dad0 "", outptrp=<synthetic pointer>, inend=0x7ffccf3287f8 "\n", inptrp=0x7ffccf327e80) at ../iconv/loop.c:325 #1 __gconv_transform_utf8_internal (step=0x560710d73f90, data=data@entry=0x560710d740c0, inptrp=inptrp@entry=0x7ffccf327e80, inend=inend@entry=0x7ffccf3287f8 "\n", outbufstart=outbufstart@entry=0x0, irreversible=irreversible@entry=0x7ffccf327df8, do_flush=do_flush@entry=0, consume_incomplete=consume_incomplete@entry=0) at ../iconv/skeleton.c:613 #2 0x00007fcc2e162722 in __gconv (cd=0x560710d740b0, inbuf=inbuf@entry=0x7ffccf327e80, inbufend=0x7ffccf3287f8 "\n", outbuf=outbuf@entry=0x7ffccf327e98, outbufend=<optimized out>, irreversible=irreversible@entry=0x7ffccf327df8) at gconv.c:79 #3 0x00007fcc2e161fa1 in iconv (cd=cd@entry=0x560710d740b0, inbuf=inbuf@entry=0x7ffccf327e80, inbytesleft=inbytesleft@entry=0x7ffccf327e88, outbuf=outbuf@entry=0x7ffccf327e98, outbytesleft=outbytesleft@entry=0x7ffccf327e90) at iconv.c:52 #4 0x000056070fa1954f in iconvbufs (ic=ic@entry=0x560710d740b0, in=in@entry=0x7ffccf327f20, out=out@entry=0x7ffccf327f00, flags=0) at rsync.c:208 #5 0x000056070fa30191 in rwrite (code=<optimized out>, code@entry=FERROR, buf=<optimized out>, buf@entry=0x7ffccf3287b0 "rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]\n", len=<optimized out>, is_utf8=<optimized out>, is_utf8@entry=0) at log.c:374 #6 0x000056070fa307e3 in rprintf (code=code@entry=FERROR, format=format@entry=0x56070fa677b0 "rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (%s bytes received so far) [%s]\n") at log.c:433 #7 0x000056070fa39064 in whine_about_eof (allow_kluge=allow_kluge@entry=0) at io.c:231 #8 0x000056070fa3c992 in read_buf (f=f@entry=5, buf=buf@entry=0x7ffccf329cd0 "\037", len=len@entry=4) at io.c:1834 #9 0x000056070fa3caa1 in read_int (f=f@entry=5) at io.c:1729 #10 0x000056070fa3e48c in setup_protocol (f_out=4, f_in=5) at compat.c:158 #11 0x000056070fa2d4b0 in client_run (f_in=5, f_out=4, pid=9022, argc=1, argv=0x560710d74760) at main.c:1110 #12 0x000056070fa109a1 in start_client (argv=0x560710d74760, argc=1) at main.c:1420 #13 main (argc=2, argv=0x560710d74760) at main.c:1648 (gdb) f 4 #4 0x000056070fa1954f in iconvbufs (ic=ic@entry=0x560710d740b0, in=in@entry=0x7ffccf327f20, out=out@entry=0x7ffccf327f00, flags=0) at rsync.c:208 208 in rsync.c (gdb) p flags $15 = 0 (gdb) p xbuf Attempt to use a type name as an expression (gdb) p in $16 = (xbuf *) 0x7ffccf327f20 (gdb) p *in $17 = {buf = 0x7ffccf3287b0 "rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]\n", pos = 18889, len = 18446744073709532799, size = 18446744073709551615} (gdb) p *out $18 = {buf = 0x7ffccf327f40 "\"\023", pos = 0, len = 0, size = 1024} -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: