All it means is that rsync saw a file that needed transferring but the
file was gone when rsync actually tried to open it.  So look at the
filenames and decide if it is a problem or not.

On 09/07/2017 10:27 AM, Vangelis Katsikaros via rsync wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to ask, when the "vanished files" warning is a sign that 
> something bad is happening somewhere. I know that the `rsync-no-vanished` 
> script can silence the warning, but I am wondering whether this is a sane 
> thing to do.
> My guess based on and 
> is that it's fine, but I'd 
> like to verify :)
> In my case, I have a batch process that creates ~500 files, some take 30 min, 
> some take 8h to be created. The files are created in a tmp dir and are moved 
> to a final dir when they are finished. Every 5 mins, I rsync the files from 
> the final directory to a remote machine. I guess that during the sync process 
> some files get re-written, when the batch process moves the fresh ones in the 
> final dir.
> My cron entry:
> flock -xn /lock_file -c                                       \
> "/usr/bin/rsync -e \"ssh -C\" --bwlimit=512k                  \
> --recursive --delay-updates --quiet --update                  \
> --include=\"*/\" --include=\"*.xml\" --include=\"*.csv\"      \
> --exclude=\"*\"                                               \
> Both source and destination are on 
> $ rsync --version
> rsync  version 3.1.0  protocol version 31
> Regards
> Vangelis

        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.       (work)
        Orlando, Florida       (personal)
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