rsync --delete option tells rsync to delete extraneous files from the receiving
side (ones that aren't on the sending side).But if a user accidentally deletes
a file, there is no way to restore it from the server.If --delete option is not
used, and the local hard disk is destroyed, restored data will include old
deleted files.
Is there a way for rsync server to retain backup of deleted source files, and
mark them as extraneous?That way a directory can be restored from backup,
excluding the old deleted files.
It could work something like this:
when rsync server notices an unmarked extraneous file, it timestamps and
marks the file as extraneous. rsync server periodically deletes extraneous
files like this if (extraneous_mark == true and timestamp > current_date
- age), then delete the file where age is number of days extraneous files
are retained. rsync client can restore deleted files from server.
rsync client can restore directory from server, excluding extraneous files.
Thank you,Wolfram Volpi
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