It is saying the timestamp is wrong and that it is copying the file and
changing the timestamp.  If it does that every time then either the
timestamps are changing on the source or the target isn't storing them.

On 06/02/2016 06:13 PM, McDowell, Blake wrote:
> Thanks Kevin! I¹m unclear how to read the ‹itemize-changes output. Can you
> provide some insight?
> This is a local transfer from an external drive to an internal drive all
> attached to one computer.
> rsync -aPh --itemize-changes -n
> /Volumes/shuttle_05/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint /Volumes/3TB_LTO/LT003A/
> sending incremental file list
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__Derivatives
>> /
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__Derivatives
>> /
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086400.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086401.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086402.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086403.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086404.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086405.dpx
>> f..t....... 
>> 2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint/2012_79_1_14_1__1199_Workprint__UHD_DPX/119
>> 9WP_00086406.dpx
> ~Blake
> On 6/2/16, 5:44 PM, "rsync on behalf of Kevin Korb"
> < on behalf of> wrote:
>> Instead of the second -v (or even the first) add --itemize-changes.  It
>> will tell you why each file is being copied.  If the file timestamps are
>> not correct then perhaps the underlying storage doesn't allow arbitrary
>> mtime changes.
>> On 06/02/2016 05:23 PM, McDowell, Blake wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> At my work we use rsync to move files between drives and to LTO among
>>> other things.
>>> I¹m having an issue using rsync to move material between and external
>>> drive and an internal drive.
>>> We run ³rsync ­avvPh <src> <dest>² and most of the files keep writing
>>> every time I run this. It appears that the modification times are not
>>> being carried through to the destination resulting in the files
>>> continually wanting to re-write.
>>> I¹m hoping someone can help me figure this out. Any information you need
>>> from me (logs, etc) I¹m happy to try and provide.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Blake  
>> -- 
>> ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,
>>      Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
>>      Systems Administrator           Internet:
>>      FutureQuest, Inc.       (work)
>>      Orlando, Florida       (personal)
>>      Web page:             
>>      PGP public key available on web site.
>> ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,

        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.       (work)
        Orlando, Florida       (personal)
        Web page:             
        PGP public key available on web site.

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