The only times it should use the group number instead of the name is if
--numeric-ids is used or there is no group with the same name at the
target end (possibly because /etc/group can't be read).

Unless there was a bug in that old pre-release version that has been fixed.

On 05/11/2016 02:30 AM, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
> Hello
> I have a problem while synching between two NAS boxes with Linux.
> First NAS: group staff=50 (3.0.3pre1)
> Second NAS: groups ftp=50, staff=500 (rsync 3.1.1)
> I synched with -rptgo, without --numeric-ids. The expected result
> was that the items on the second group would be staff as well
> even with a different gid. However it looks like the 50 was taken
> literally and now all staff items are ftp items.
> 1. How could this happen? Is this expected, did I do something wrong?
> 2. How can I now synch the ownership correctly?
> I tried with -a, with --super, but so far the ownership is not synched.
> Thanks
> bye  Fabi

        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
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        Orlando, Florida       (personal)
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