Hi list,
some advices on that?


On 16/03/2016 16:30, Gionatan Danti wrote:
Hi list,
I would like to know if the following rsync's behavior can be

I noticed that when rsync receive a file for which the local filesystem
already has a symlinks with the same path/name, it _first_ delete the
symlink, _then_ it start the transfer.

I think there are two problems with this approach:
- it completely ignores the content of the symlinked files, which can be
used to speedup the transfer;
- if the transfer goes interruped/stopped, the receiving side remains
without the symlink and without the to-be-received file. In other words,
a file "seems" lost.

I did some test with the verious delete-after (and similar) options, but
they do not change anything.

I am missing something?

Danti Gionatan
Supporto Tecnico
Assyoma S.r.l. - www.assyoma.it
email: g.da...@assyoma.it - i...@assyoma.it
GPG public key ID: FF5F32A8

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