Hi all,
any ideas on that?


On 16/03/2016 16:17, Gionatan Danti wrote:
Hi list,
I have some questions on how rsync names the temporary files it create
during a file transfer.

It is my understanding that temporary files are name .<filename>.ABCDEF,
where "ABCDEF" is a random 6-chars alphanumeric string.

First question: it is correct to say that the random aphanumeric string
is _always_ 6 chars long?

Second question: it is possibile to define a specific, non-random
string? I read what rsync's manpage says about suffixes, but they seems
to affect only backupped files.


Danti Gionatan
Supporto Tecnico
Assyoma S.r.l. - www.assyoma.it
email: g.da...@assyoma.it - i...@assyoma.it
GPG public key ID: FF5F32A8

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