Using the link-dest option would be one way to solve this.

If you are seeking a backup system which uses hard links (link-dest), then you 
may wish to take a look at LBackup <>

Hope this helps.

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On 18/11/2015, at 11:46 PM, Adam Błaszczykowski <> 

> Hello,
> We have strange issue with rsync and backup-dir option. In case of having 
> empty directories and deleting them, those directories are not backed up in 
> backup-dir directory. Directories are backed up only if contains files. 
> Scenario:
> # mkdir -p source/b
> # rsync -a --backup --backup-dir=../backup source/ destination/
> # rm -rf source/b
> # rsync -a --backup --backup-dir=../backup source/ destination/
> # ls -la backup
> Backup-dir is empty. I expected to have ‘b’ directory inside.
> How can we force rsync to backup empty directories to backup-dir in case of 
> deletion?
> Best Regards
> Adam Blaszczykowski
> -- 
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