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try: --link-dest=../backup-2016-02-01-0100

On 02/08/2016 04:51 PM, Sam Holton wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. The link-dest is different. It is Feb 1 while
> the source is Feb 2.
> I tried setting path = /media/external/ for the daemon and using
> rsync -a -v -i --delete --link-dest=backup-2016-02-01-0100 
> --password-file=/media/external/scripts/offsite_rsync.pass 
> /media/external/backup/backup-2016-02-02-0100 
> backup@
> So all three (link-dest, source, target) are directories but get
> the same result. The directory backup-2016-02-02-0100 is created on
> the target server and all files start to be transferred to it. Must
> be an issue with the way I'm setting link-dest
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 4:42 PM Kevin Korb <k...@sanitarium.net 
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>> wrote:
> by misaligned I meant that your source is a directory, your
> link-dest is a directory (with the same name even), and your target
> is the root of the share.  All 3 params should be directories and
> the link-dest param should be a different date than the other two.
> On 02/08/2016 04:24 PM, Sam Holton wrote:
>> According to this thread it at least used to work 
>> https://lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2006-April/015328.html
>> I don't want to use SSH because I'm running this on low power
>> ARM boards which are already connected over VPN so no need for a
>> second layer of transport encryption. I'm not sure what you mean
>> by "link-dest and your target parameters misaligned". Both
>> servers have the same directory structure so it may be a bit
>> confusing. I'm trying to link to the previous day's backup on the
>> remote server.
>> I forgot to mention that both servers are running 3.0.9
>> protocol version 30
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- -- 
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
        PGP public key available on web site.
Version: GnuPG v2


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