--- Comment #3 from Andrey Bond <> --- Hello, I make backup users data. There is the problem with file that are reduced. For example there is the file outlook.pst with size more 2GB. I use the --inplace and --append-verify options. When this file become larger the sync is working properly. But if this file become smaller, because the user erase some messages, the file will not be syncroniced. Now I start rsync twice for backup of snapshot with --append-verify after whithout --append-verify. If I start rsync without --append-verify first the rsync copy the whole file (instead of copying the changes) if size is larger then distenation file. I think the need to check all files with modified date by checksum. May be with aditional option. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: